Hogwarts Part 36 | Comments

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  • Yay! Freedom (from school and coincidentally on Fourth of July). :D

    Well, this was a great edition as always and I knew you'd throw a birthday party somewhere in this series and I was right. ;) Haha. I actually wanted Cassandra to 'spy' on Slytherins along with Harry but since you decided against it, I'll not complain.

    Also, I agree with @vulturemonem. You might be the first writer to finist a Hogwarts Love Story here and I wish you good luck with it. However, I must also mention, I'll miss your updates. I always hate when my favourite book ends ...

    Anyhow, I'm waiting for Part 37. (:

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  • @hp4evr Thank you! In all honesty, I completely forgot about the birthdays, and so I just made something up on the spot. It also gave me an excuse to make Oliver appear somewhere as well. I did debate about spying with Harry, but I had no idea how to play it out. Perhaps that's an idea for your own series in the future!

    Yes, I do think it will be a lot different to not be updating here anymore if I do finish. It's taken up a huge amount of time to get this far, and I'll suddenly have a bunch of free time I don't know what to do with, haha. However, school will probably take care of that soon enough. :P

    Anyway, thanks again!

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  • @hp4evr Thank you! Haha, yes, that is the ultimate goal! I've read most Hogwarts series on this site, and none of them have been finished from what I've seen. I don't really lack the determination to finish, but if I don't finish by the time I go back to school, this story could be left on hold for months. So let's hope some more time clears up and I get more inspiration soon!

    Anyway, I felt the ending was a bit awkward, but it was getting really long already and I, like you, was extremely exhausted and didn't feel like editing anything. :P But I'm glad it turned out okay, and I'm hoping to write the next couple editions over my short break from work in the next few days.

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  • As usual, I thought this was a really great edition. I'd go into a long-winded comment about everything I loved, but I'm exhausted, so I'll keep it brief.

    I must say, I was ready to yell at you for ending it there, of all places. Why did you not let Harry tell Cassandra about what he saw?! *sighs* I guess that is the point of a cliff-hanger...

    To my knowledge, if you do finish the series over the summer, you'll be the first GoToQuiz writers to finish a Hogwarts Love Story. Congratulations, I guess! I suppose if you want to know for certain you'd have to ask @Aria or @xxbluitxx or someone. I'm sure Nat would know!

    I can't wait for part 38! Ok ok! I'd rather have 37 first, but either is fine! *winks*


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  • Whoops, I meant @vulturemonem. Sorry!

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