Hogwarts Part 16

Will you get the Hogwarts guy of your dreams? Find out in this quiz. Starting in your third year, you will get the opportunity to become friends and more with Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Oliver Wood.

*Recap* Last time you prepared for the second task with Harry, and successfully managed to win first place with the help of Gillyweed. After the task, you finally reconciled with Ron. Later on before the third task, Draco helped you in the midst of a fight with some particularly cruel Slytherins. Now, it’s almost time for the third task.

Created by: music826
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I just feel like I have an obligation to warn you: this is a relatively long edition, and there are quite a few paragraphs that don’t really have anything at all to do with the guys. I’m assuming you’ve probably read the books, so you know what happens in the third task. With that said, grab some toast and enjoy. :)
  2. A few weeks before the third task, the champions were summoned to the Quidditch pitch to find out what we would be doing for the final event of the Triwizard Tournament. I found that where the field was generally smooth grass, there were now short hedges growing across the entire area. Apparently, it was a maze. By the time we would be fighting our way through it, the hedges would be twenty feet tall and filled with all sorts of obstacles. The Triwizard Cup would be placed somewhere in the maze, and whoever got it first would win the tournament. By far, it seemed like the most straightforward task of the three. I would be entering the maze first, given I had placed first as far as points. It was a somewhat frightening prospect, but it didn’t seem quite as intimidating as the first two tasks. In preparation for the final task, Harry and I spent almost every bit of free time we had practicing various spells. I would often use Ron as a target, which turned out to be every bit as fun as it sounded.
  3. “Impedimenta!” I said for the umpteenth time, knocking Ron back onto the stone floor of the classroom we were using. He groaned and slowly got to his feet again. “You mastered that spell ages ago. Now you’re just trying to send me to the hospital wing,” he complained. I grinned at him and gestured for him to get back in place. “Oh, come on. You know every single one of those spells by now,” he groaned. “Practice makes perfect. Tarantellegra!” I said confidently, and Ron’s legs began dancing uncontrollably. I collapsed into giggles and waited a few moments before performing the counter curse. Seeing Ron’s face, I decided I had tortured him enough. “All right, you can go,” I said, putting my wand at my side. I waited until his back was facing me. “Aguamenti!” I whispered, and a jet of water streamed from the tip of my wand, soaking his robes. He whipped around. “You’ll pay for that one!” he said, a wicked grin flashing across his face. “Oh, no, the great Ron Weasley’s getting angry,” I said, putting on a mock expression of terror. “You’ll regret doing that when you’re covered in boils,” he said dangerously. “You wouldn’t dare,” I said, beginning to get a bit worried. I didn’t really fancy getting covered in boils. He lunged towards me suddenly, and I bolted from the room, practically sprinting down the corridor.
  4. I rounded a corner, slamming straight into Neville. As ungracious as it was, I dived behind him, using him as a sort of human shield. Unfortunately, Ron wasn’t aware Neville was there before he sent a spell my way. “Incarcerous!” he yelled, and Neville was immediately wrapped in a heavy layer of ropes and ties. “Relashio!” I immediately said, removing his bonds. Neville looked at me dazedly, as if completely confused by what had just happened. “I’m so sorry, Neville. I’m always getting you into trouble,” I apologized, helping him to his feet. “It’s fine,” he mumbled, smiling good-naturedly. “I don’t understand how you can be so nice,” I said with a laugh, and he blushed slightly. “It’s your charming smile,” he said jokingly, and I elbowed him in response. Ron coughed uncomfortably. “Weren’t you going to cover me in boils?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. He grinned. “That’s right,” he said, and I backed away as he lifted his wand. “Run, Neville!” I yelled, grabbing Neville’s hand and dragging him down the corridor at a run. Laughing, he followed. I was surprised we didn’t get in trouble with some professors, but we didn’t encounter any as we dashed around the castle. At last, we arrived at the portrait to the Gryffindor common room. “Neville, what’s the password?” I asked frantically, seeing that Ron was closing in fast on the staircase behind us. He fidgeted uncomfortably. “I don’t remember!” he said guiltily. “Glisseo!” I said, pointing my wand at the stairs and sending Ron sliding back down to the floor below. Thankfully, the portrait hole opened a moment later.
  5. “Harry!” I exclaimed, pushing him back into the common room as we clambered inside. “What are you doing?” he asked, laughing as I dashed into the room and crouched behind a couch. I had attracted some stares from around the room. Ron burst into the portrait hole a moment later, and I immediately jumped up. “Expelliarmus!” I yelled, disarming him instantly. I caught the wand expertly in my hand and smiled at him. “I’d say I won that one,” I said obnoxiously. “Fine. Now give me my wand back,” he said grumpily, holding out his hand. “Oh, I will, if you can get it. Harry, catch!” I said suddenly, tossing him the thin stick of wood. He caught it and grinned at me, joining in my fun enthusiastically. That ensued in an odd monkey-in-the-middle type exchange, in which Neville, Harry, and I attempted to keep Ron’s wand away. Neville dropped it eventually, and Ron snatched it up before it even hit the ground. “Oh, come on, Neville,” I groaned jokingly, giving him a light punch on the arm. He blushed, obviously embarrassed at being so uncoordinated. Ron now had his wand trained on me again. Harry and Neville returned the gesture, apparently defending me. “I think she won, mate,” Harry said with a grin, and Ron put his wand in his pocket grudgingly. I spent a fun night with my Gryffindor friends, playing the odd game of Exploding Snap and generally poking fun at each other. That was the last night before the third task.
  6. A lot of fanfare and celebration greeted the champions the day of the third task. Most of the champion’s families came for support, with the exception of Harry and I. Two of the Weasleys came instead. A familiar twist of nervousness developed in my stomach again, but I was prepared that time. In fact, my escape from Ron the night before had almost prepared me in some odd way. On my way to the Quidditch pitch, Draco stopped me. I stopped and didn’t greet him with an expression of disgust for once. “Was there something you wanted to tell me?” I prompted, gesturing at him indicatively. He averted his gaze, apparently devoid of arrogance for the moment. “Just…be careful out there. Don’t do anything that’ll get you killed,” he said, obviously unused to showing that he cared. “Well, that’s the general idea,” I said lightly, starting to walk away. He fell in step beside me. “It’s not just Hagrid’s bloody Blast-Ended Skrewts and Boggarts that you’re going to face out there. I need you to promise me you’re not going to do something stupid,” he said urgently. “Draco, what is this about?” I asked, getting slightly irritated by his vague commands. “I…I just…be careful,” he said, as obscure as ever, and then strode off as we entered the pitch.
  7. Shrugging off his odd behavior, I went and greeted Harry. “Draco’s acting odd,” I remarked to him. “When isn’t he? He’s probably plotting some way to sabotage me,” he said indifferently. “You always think he’s plotting something,” I said with a faint laugh. “Well, isn’t he?” Harry asked pointedly. I grinned. “Probably,” I admitted, and then Ludo Bagman came over and put an arm around each of us conspiratorially, beckoning the other three champions over as we stood there. “All right, champions. Are we ready?” he asked jovially, and acknowledging the unanimous nods, he left to go announce the beginning of the task. I looked at Harry before standing in front of my entrance to the maze. “Good luck,” I whispered, and he returned the gesture with a nod. I barely heard the murmured commands that were circulating around me before it was time for me to enter the maze. Holding my wand at the ready, I entered the darkness of the tall hedges.
  8. As soon as I entered the maze, the celebratory sounds from the stands seemed to fade into silence. I edged forward, expecting something to come jumping out at me as soon as I turned a corner. Not far into the maze, I immediately ran into a boggart. Luckily, I knew how to deal with them from Professor Lupin’s lessons the previous year. “Riddikulus!” I said firmly, and quickly dispatched the creature. Much of my journey was rather uninterrupted, which was a surprise. I didn’t expect the task to be quite that easy. Unfortunately, I ran into a manticore after a time. It was similar to a sphinx, but not quite. I frantically searched my memory for a spell, but I couldn’t think of one powerful enough to defeat the creature. It shot a poisonous spine at me, and I quickly hit the ground, just barely avoiding it. I was tempted to shoot some red sparks in the air for help, but I didn’t want to give up, either. Somehow, by some miracle, a blast suddenly knocked the manticore down the narrow alley between the hedges. I whirled around, expecting to see some kind of new horror I had to face. Instead, I just barely caught a glimpse of Viktor Krum disappearing down another path in the maze.
  9. I wondered why he had helped me, but I quickly moved on, dispatching a couple minor dangers as I went along. I heard a loud yell for help and went running on instinct, thinking that Harry might be in trouble. By the time I got there, I found Cedric and Harry standing over Viktor Krum’s unconscious body. We all stared at each other for a moment, and then split off in different directions without a word. I was running at a fairly fast pace by then, so I made it a pretty good distance before smacking directly into a troll. It wasn’t a large one, but it was certainly large enough. I vaguely remembered a story Ron told me about defeating a troll in first year, and used his methods to defeat it. “Wingardium Leviosa!” I said, lifting the troll’s club and bringing it down on its head. I delicately stepped around it and continued on my way. Miraculously, I found I had come upon the last stretch before the Triwizard Cup. I could see it distantly, proudly displayed on a plinth. I started sprinting for it when a huge Acromantula leapt out at me. It was a gigantic spider I also remembered Ron telling me about when he and Harry were on one of their adventures – and I was in a lot of trouble.
  10. But, it seemed I was getting extremely lucky that day. Harry and Cedric both came hurtling down the alley, apparently racing to get to the Triwizard Cup. Cedric noticed my peril, and quickly started to fight the massive spider. Harry caught up as well, and together, we managed to take it down. We were all so close to the cup, but it was a question of who would get it. I looked at the other two questioningly, and we seemed to come to an agreement. “On three. One…Two…Three!” I said clearly, and we all gripped the cup in a rather unbelievable three-way tie. My surroundings became unclear as the Portkey took effect, until we all suddenly crash landed in a graveyard. “What –?” I started to ask, but I heard a hiss of a question, and suddenly Cedric was lying on the ground, dead. It had all happened so fast, it didn’t quite sink in. I dropped to my knees, shaking Cedric frantically, willing him to wake up. “Come on, Cedric…” I pleaded, a couple of tears streaking their way down my cheeks. “The girl…Stun her…” the voice said again, almost too faint to hear. Before I could completely understand what was happening, my surroundings went black.
  11. The next time I came into consciousness, enough cords were wound around me to render me completely useless. My wand was stuck in my pocket, out of reach. I looked around, and a pale, oddly formed face greeted me. I couldn’t help it. I screamed. The face that met me was Voldemort’s. I hadn’t seen him before, obviously, but it was simply unmistakable. “Ah, yes, I see you recognize me,” he said with the slightest shadow of a cruel smile. I lay silent, completely frozen in fear. I noticed Harry was locked in one of the statues over one of the graves, as trapped as I was. “You may be wondering why I would arrange for two fourth years to be brought to this place tonight,” he said matter-of-factly in his cold, high voice. I didn’t say a word in response. “Well, you see, Harry has already been most helpful to me tonight. He has kindly helped bring me back to my full form again,” he began, and I shot an alarmed look at Harry. “But you serve a different purpose. I imagine you have never met your mother before,” Voldemort continued. I slowly shook my head, wondering what he was hoping to get at by mentioning her. “Well, this will be a nice little family reunion, then,” he said calmly. He removed my bonds and allowed me to get up on shaky legs. I instinctively reached for my wand, but found I could not move. Apparently, he had me under some kind of control. He turned towards his circle of Death Eaters. “Reynolds,” he said calmly, and one of the masked figures surrounding him stepped forward. “My lord,” the figure said in a raspy voice, bowing low to the ground. “Meet your daughter,” he said, smiling coldly at my evident shock and horror.
  12. The masked figure lifted its hood away from its face. A gaunt-looking woman was revealed underneath. She had a head of dead-looking, straw-colored hair that could have been a radiant blonde at one time, and her blue eyes were dull and lifeless. A spark of hope shone in them upon seeing me. “Cassandra,” she breathed, as if hardly believing I was standing before her. “No…your not…your not my mum…” I said in denial, shaking my head. She couldn’t be a Death Eater. Yet there she was, standing among Voldemort’s servants. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears upon seeing my horrified expression. “Unsatisfied with your mother’s profession? I had hoped you would like to join her. It is, after all, tradition,” Voldemort said coldly. “Your father has been bothersome, though. He seems to be against the idea, and has tried to keep you from your…other family. This arrangement has proved most helpful in that way,” he continued, and then looked at me as if for a response. “I’m not going to join you. I’m not my mum,” I said defiantly, mustering up a bit of courage. He smiled thinly. “Is that your decision? Then perhaps some persuasion might help,” he said, and lifted his wand. “Crucio!” he said without an ounce of sympathy. I don’t know how long I screamed. I occasionally heard Harry’s yells mingle with my high-pitched shrieks, and my mother had dissolved into a sobbing mess on the ground, begging for Voldemort’s mercy.
  13. At last, the pain stopped and Voldemort stood over me. “Have you changed your decision? Unfortunately, you seem to have your father’s rebellious streak. But your mother has a long ancestry of Dark wizards,” he said. “I’ll…never…join you,” I said through my gasps of pain, and the pain returned as quickly as it had left. At last, I broke. “Stop! ” I screamed. “I’ll…I’ll do it,” I finished weakly. He gave me a cruel grin. “Good, Cassandra. I have an assignment I’ve reserved specially for you. Of course, you’ll have to make an Unbreakable Vow to me. I wouldn’t want any…misunderstandings to occur,” he said, and then turned towards the gravesite where Harry was trapped. “I’ll have to deal with Harry now, I’m afraid,” he said, releasing Harry from the statue’s grip and forcing him to bow in preparation for a duel. My mother wrapped her arms around me from behind comfortingly, but I shrugged them off angrily. I didn’t plan on joining Voldemort’s group of Death Eaters anytime soon. I simply had to wait until I could get both Harry and myself out of there safely. I watched in terrified fascination as they both lifted their wands. Harry ducked and dodged for a short time, but he had to face Voldemort. Voldemort sent a Killing Curse directly towards Harry, and a scream ripped from my lips. I wanted to use my wand, but I didn’t have to. Miraculously, a spell of Harry’s own collided with the deadly jet of light, effectively stopping it. I watched as first one, and then several figures erupted from the connection, all seeming to be victims of Voldemort’s lethal power. I silently willed Harry to break the connection and get over to the Triwizard Cup while he could. After seeming to exchange a few words with the ghostly figures, Harry broke the stream of light and ran for Cedric’s body. I immediately picked up on the signal and met him right at the destination, grabbing hold of his hand. Without missing a beat, Harry Summoned the Triwizard Cup and the world became a whirling mass of color again. A moment later, I found myself facedown on the Quidditch pitch.
  14. Everything seemed to turn into chaos and confusion as the surrounding faces seemed to realize that Cedric was dead. While Harry clung to Cedric’s body, I was pushed into the panicked crowd, completely lost. I still felt numb from everything that had just happened. I blindly stumbled through the heaving mass of students and teachers and finally managed to find Ron and Hermione. Ron immediately started babbling questions, but Hermione gave him a sharp elbow to the ribs, apparently recognizing my need for silence. I didn’t fully understand what had occurred in the graveyard, but I was in no state to recount my experiences of the last couple hours. I simply stood with my friends, watching as the students mourned Cedric. Nobody seemed in any hurry to go anywhere at that moment. I barely registered Neville coming over to see if I was all right after a while. After I murmured a few words of reassurance, he gently led me to the hospital wing. By the time I got there, Harry was already sound asleep in a hospital bed. Neville left the room after a moment, seeing that Dumbledore was there. “Miss Levell, I assume you have participated in the events at the graveyard tonight?” he asked seriously. I nodded. “Harry has just been through an unfortunate ordeal with a Death Eater masquerading as Professor Moody. Yes, your professor this year was Barty Crouch Jr., an escaped prisoner of Azkaban. He was responsible for your entrance in the tournament, and your arrival in the graveyard. However, I believe that is all you need to know for now. If need be, Harry will share the rest with you in time. As of right now, you need to rest,” he said, gesturing to Madam Pomfrey. She bustled over with a goblet of Sleeping Potion. “Sleep well,” he said before exiting the room. I took the potion without hesitation and soon felt myself fade into darkness again.
  15. Well, that was kind of a long and depressing edition. I tried to keep the events in the third task as concise as possible without completely skipping over them as well. I’m assuming most of you have probably read the books, so you probably don’t want me just retelling the entire story. Also, I’m not using anything for reference while writing this, so I apologize if I get some things wrong. You survived the Triwizard Tournament at any rate! I just have one last question – toast or pudding?

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