Hogwarts House Sorting Quiz

Hi! Today a bunch of young Potterheads wanted to know their house and a lot of them got the same house, so I made my own quiz of what I think all of the houses are like. Enjoy!

I like Harry Potter. If you do here are some books you should read. Any book by Rick Riordan (PJO, HoO, MC, TSATS, DotD), Amari and the Night Brothers, The Lunar Chronicles, and maybe the Darkest Minds.

Created by: averyriskygamble
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. How do people describe you?
  3. What would you want to do the most?
  4. Dark or light?
  5. Ever or Never?
  6. Okay, sorry if this offends you but PINEAPPLE ON PIZZAA! *Whew it's over now, sorry.
  7. If someone used a quill enchanted to cheat what do you do?
  8. What house do you want?
  9. Fave Harry Potter book?
  10. Ideal vacay home.(My OTPs are Solangelo and Percabeth ;) :D)
  11. Final question, how much do you like HP?(If answer five and by other books you mean as follows PJO, AATNB, THG, TSATS, TBOSAS, TLC, or Riordanverse, YOU are AWESOME :D)

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