Hogwarts House Quiz

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I hope you enjoy this simple quiz to test you’re aptitude for each house and tell you where you belong. There are many choices so don’t be disheartened.

You could be a brave Gryffindor like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, The Weasleys and Albus Dumbledore. You could be an honest Hufflepuff like Cedric Diggory and Nymphadora Tonks i.e Tonks. You could be a witty Ravenclaw like Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Filius Flitwick and Mr Ollivander.Or you could be an ambitious Slytherin like Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange and The Black family.

Created by: Lails Loulou
  1. Someone confronts you and starts insulting you. So you...
  2. Everyone’s talking about a new dark wizard on the rise. So you....
  3. If given a choice you would rather invent a potion that would ensure you...
  4. If you smelt an accurate batch of amortentia, for you it would definitely smell like....
  5. Which would you rather be....
  6. Choose a deathly hallow.....
  7. You come to a crossroad, which path do you choose?
  8. Which of the following would you most like to study....
  9. You’re in a battle and someone fires an unknown curse at you and so you yell....
  10. Which house would YOU most like to be in, after all the sorting hat takes your opinion into consideration?

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