So i am ash midnight and you will learn more about me in a second. i really like Gotoquiz just so know. it is a really fun website and stuff like that.

This is the second paragraph. this quiz is fifteen questions long. there is not actually a result, i just wanted to make this so you guys would know more about me.

Created by: Ash Midnight
  1. So i'm ash midnight.
  2. I really like egg drop soup.
  3. I really like the colors black, dark purple, and electric green.
  4. I like the song "opportunities" by The Pet Shop Boys
  5. I really like the game Incredibox.
  6. My favorite weather is rainy weather.
  7. My favorite snack is Doritos cool ranch
  8. I play the violin and like to ride horses.
  9. I like making toys for my cats.
  10. I am writing a story write* now (*get it "write" now instead of "right" now)
  11. I hate wearing dresses and i like to wear sporty outfits.
  12. When i am bored i climb onto the roof of the shed in our yard and i lay there and listen to Incredibox.
  13. I have made some quizzes on here before, but they are not great.
  14. I hope i can make more soon.
  15. See you guys later!

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