Hippology Quiz #1

hi guys, this is me, JackieSparrow, back with a new quiz! this is my first Test quiz, so it might be a little bumpy.... anyway, thanks for at least looking!

I know this quiz might be a little hard for some of you guys, but i tried to make it like a Hippology Written Test, so it's not meant to be easy.. Thanks!

Created by: JackieSparrow
  1. Which of these is a horse color?
  2. What is a symptom of colic?
  3. Which is NOT a part of the digestive tract?
  4. How long is a mare pregnant for?
  5. what does EPM stand for?
  6. Is a white horse uncommon?
  7. What is a person who takes care of horse's hooves called?
  8. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of an Arabian horse?
  9. How high does a pony stand?
  10. What country did the Morgan horse come from?
  11. True or false: The Akhal-Teke horse has a shiny coat
  12. Can a horse get rabies?
  13. Where on a horse is the Hock located?
  14. How do you take a horse's temperature?
  15. What is a male foal called?

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