Hippie or not Hippie

In the 1960s a movement loosely called The Counterculture by some got it's time in the light of day. Young men grew long hair and facial hair. Girls went without bras or makeup. Eastern philosophies and religions began to show up in conversations with friends. Communes and ashrams were places some of us lived. We called ourselves freaks. But others called us Hippies.

They say that if you lived through the 1960s (and 1970s) you may not remember what all you did. Or maybe you remember it all clearly including amazing music and philosophical discussions. Let's see what you remember, one way or another.

Created by: Diana
  1. In what state were two peaceful protesters killed by National Guard members?
  2. The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic was first published in 1968. What city had the distinction of being the home of this strip?
  3. Richard Alpert was is known for his personal and professional associations with Timothy Leary at Harvard University. However, later he changed his name and way of life. What was it changed to?
  4. Was Woodstock important?
  5. The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test was a book about LSD and a bus trip. Ken Kesey was the leader. What was the bus named?
  6. In the 1960s The Whole Earth Catalog was an American counterculture catalog published by Stewart Brand between 1968 and 1972 and occasionally thereafter until 1998. Why was it important to the Counterculture?
  7. The Grateful Dead based many of their songs on traditional folk songs. Which of these album names was not one of their's?
  8. Altamont, The Rolling Stones and the Hells Angels. What happened?
  9. Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix died too early for a lot of us. When did they die?
  10. Did you live in a commune?

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