HEY HEY LISTEN this isnt me

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I know I know your not gonna forgive me your not letting me back I know all that but just listen this isn’t me I’m not mean in real life I just wanna keep up the act cause the mods act like it’s too late to turn all that around so I just wanna keep up the act so they’ll eventually break and just let me back in cause if you let me back on I’ll stop being a ass but they won’t even consider it they keep saying “hEy wE gAvE yOu aNoThEr cHaNcE”like no you didn’t when I created a new account people immediately reported it

And they banned it you DID NOT give me another chance and now you guys won’t even consider letting me back listen dudes your the mods your still not greater or better then anyone at my core I’m not mean you guys are just acting like a--holes to me so I’m gonna just annoy the people on your website I didn’t wanna be this I don’t wanna be this but you guys won’t even let me back on or give me a 2nd chance

Created by: TeaTime
  1. Gonna say this all in the paragraphs above so read em if you wanna know what’s going
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