Hetalia: Russia's Apprentice?

Yes...wanna be my oc's? You gotta earn it....like seriously....answer questions...like please... Kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol


Created by: ( ^ J ^)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If Russia found you alone, where would he have found you?
  2. If Russia asked you to join him, what will your response?
  3. You were asked to assist in a war, what weapons will you bring?
  4. You get to interrogate, which path would you take?
  5. Would you date your co-worker?
  6. You are Saratov, and you were dared to play the pocky game with your crush. Belarus holds his/her shoulders down while your on the last bite. WILL YOU DO IT?!
  7. Marco.
  8. Would you keep your gender a secret?
  9. Protect Russia from Belarus?
  10. FALCON----

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