Heroes of Olympus Quiz

Hi I’m Rose my favourite colour is purple and This quiz is about how good u r with the heroes of Olympus series. It’s really super fun and pls do it!!

Please also recommend this to other people. Remember, if u get a baad score then don’t worry it’s fine and u can try again!! Have a great time and good luck

Created by: Rose_Purple
  1. Who are the 7 demigods?
  2. Who is Hylla’s friend who dies?
  3. Who fits this description: short, blonde, braces
  4. What is the name of the giant born to kill the fates?
  5. What is the 2nd line of the Great Prophercy
  6. What is the name of Apollo and Artemis’ birthplace?
  7. Name Calypso’s father
  8. What is the name of the ship?
  9. What is the name of Piper’s grandpa
  10. True or false: Hazel was born in the 1940s

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