Heroes and Homes

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If you are interested in today's topics the Center for Hellenic Studies might be hosting a workshop mid-November that would be broadcast world-wide.

So keep your ears open. Look for additional information on subsequent quizzes. Visit the CHS website. Or visit the citizen scholars at Hour Twenty-Five

Created by: William Moulton
  1. King Alcinoos of Phaeacia and his wife Arete were related by marriage and heritage. What was their familial relationship? Such marriages are real common among mortals in Greek mythology.
  2. The Iliad is about the wrath of Achilles. In fact he gets angry twice. First at Agamemnon. But his wrath tragically shifts starting at 16.112 when the poet asks, "tell me, O Muses that hold your homes on Olympus, how...?" Who was the second to suffer Achilles wrath?
  3. Zeus sent which god with a message to Aegisthus concerning adultery with Clytemnstra?
  4. Who was the only man in Hades' home with the power of thought?
  5. Achilles called what country home?
  6. People from which country carried Odysseus home on the final leg of his return?
  7. Psyche of the butterfly wings wed which of mighty Aphrodites' sons?
  8. Which goddess and queen calls Hades home?
  9. Who is the god of the Scamander river?
  10. Odysseus' companion Elpenor fell off the roof of which goddess' home and died?

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