Here Have a Random quiz

Calmly, feel myself evolvingAppalling, so much I'm not divulgingBeen stalling, I think I hear applauding, they're callingMixtapes aren't my thing, but it's been awfully exhaustingHanging onto songs this long is daunting (yeah)Which caused me to have to make a call I thought was ballsyResulting in what you see today, proceed indulgingAs always, the one trick pony's here, so quit your sulking

Born efficient, got ambition, sorta vicious, yup, that's me (woo)Not artistic, unrealistic, chauvinistic, not those thingsGo the distance, so prolific, posts are cryptic, move swiftlyUnsubmissive, the king of mischiefThe golden ticket, rare sight to see

Created by: Divine Flame
  1. :p
  2. :p
  3. :p
  4. :p
  5. :p
  6. :p
  7. :p
  8. :p
  9. :p
  10. :p

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