Here are some of AOT's opinion's of you!

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Okay this is a quiz about AOT (Attack on Titan), and their opinion of you. Keep in mind that this is NOT real, and all of this was made by me. I hope you like.

I took this quiz, and it was very fun (for me), but I hope you like it more than I did. Because I knew all the answers for all the friggin outcomes! oof.

Created by: SisterBear
  1. First of all, what is the usual expression on your face?
  2. Do you have friends?
  3. Would you consider cleanliness?
  4. *Rp* Say there's a party. What would you wear?
  5. Who do you take to the party?
  6. If you got in a fight, who would it be with, and why?
  7. Jimaku-tsuki de mimas---a ka, soretomo nihongo o s---te imasu ka? (Did you watch the show with subtitles, or did you know Japanese?
  8. If Levi asked you to clean with him, would you?
  9. favorite?
  10. Are you going to take this quiz seriously? (no affect)

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