Her Brothers' Beast Character Quiz

Have you been wondering which character from Her Brothers' Beast you're resemble the closest? You haven't? Well, you can still take the quiz anyway...

I'm required to put something here, so I suppose I will wish you the best of luck, and warn you that the witch is indeed on of the results. Have fun. ;)

Created by: Author
  1. Would you rather be with or without people?
  2. What matters more; what you want, or what you need?
  3. You have your enemy at sword point, do you. . .
  4. Your greastest fear is. . .
  5. Your greatest strength is. . .
  6. Choose one
  7. Who do you want to get?
  8. And whom do you think you will get?
  9. Do you trust Gnik?
  10. Would you forgive yourself?

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