Help me level up again

I just forgot my password so yeah help me get to novice again! Thx I’m going to spam! Gwhejeojehejsjdjhdjenejsiwjnsbdjenendnndnehhshshshhshshdhdbdjjssb

Oh and the first answer will always be correct! Hehsjksjsbdjsndhsbjdnsjdbsndhnsjsbsjdbndndndndndndnndndbjdnjsndjsndjjsbdjdnjdndndjbdjdjjhehehhehhedhhd

Created by: BoldNotCold2
  1. Gejejbdkwnsjakebidbensbxhjensjxbejzisbj
  2. Bannsbsheisbdbxjxjjdidje
  3. Bbsjsibseghwjsbyzuwbsbshehebsj
  4. Jabsghenskansbkajsuwh
  5. Byvuvyf yf yf yf yf ug fy To fy y hi yd yf
  6. You hug yf r rvtuvz shshshsjdbjsbdjebejsnka
  8. Jajsbejiwbwiwjebehdbbd
  9. Jejjsnsbsndhbr
  10. Hsjsjjsbdbdh
  11. Janshdjehbskwjshbejsuyshwjsjeuhw
  12. Bebdhjejqjaojwbdjehwhnwishe
  13. Jahshshdbbsiwhhsvegsgs

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