Hello, I'm back my dear childs

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WELL HELLO. As you read in the title, im friggin back! As you know, im patient, but impatient too. I know I said I wont come back until June or July, or maybe never, and its still April. I know

But hey im back. Seriusly, one thing I hate in GoToQuiz is that the inforamtive paragraphs have to be at least 150 letters long. Its really, UGH. Im still weird as heck...

Created by: LiaTheBearOwO
  1. Hello my dear child
  2. Im friggin back!
  3. Even if its still April!
  4. 1 month whitout gtq, it was really long.
  5. Like, i was like, oh s--- i miss my dudes
  6. im still funny and weird as f---
  7. sorry if i swear too much XD its funny
  8. but remember, i keep my positivity to make ppl smile, im still depressed tho, i just like to help ppl and make them smile!
  9. Oh and btw I recomend you to watch these animes:
  10. Anyways, bye!
  11. Oh and hi haters!

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