Heaven or Hell Quiz | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Heaven or Hell Quiz.

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  • Hello, my name is Mel Grimson (he/him/his). I would like to say that I have taken this quiz, and I am utterly just confused. Confused to the maximum level. So, I took the quiz and I got "No, no, no, no, no". Does that mean I am not going to Hell, or does that mean I am not going to Heaven? it doesn't make any sense to me. Now, I know that I am a sinner. And I know that some of these quizzes are indeed inaccurate and they are just not good at all. But, looking at all these comments down below, I am pretty certain that a person could go to Heaven if that someone accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior truthfully, repent for his sins, and actually look into forsaking his sins. Also, Jesus knows his struggles, Jesus wants to help them and He is empowering them, even though he doesn't notice or feel it happening. Jesus wants us to repent. Look into reading John 3:16, Romans 10:9, and Romans 5:8. I understand that I am a huge sinner still and I have been committing extremely stupid life choices for the past 17 years ever since I was born. But even I know that Jesus still loves me, this is why I turned to Him. He died for your sins and my sins. God bless you all and I wish you the best, man.

  • Know worries.. to you all the fact your concern about going to heaven is a great sign.. I'm sure your going.. stay true help others love Jesus and God but your not perfect.. God knows your heart he doesn't care about the physical only your heart. Be good to other's obey your parents, pray keep faith and don't be of the world. But help it. Seek forgiveness even after you reapeted sin.. try your hardest not to... Jesus loves you God loves you the salvation of Heaven loves you.. so do I. See you there.

  • Man does not know my Desteney only God and Jesus know the truth if I go to Heaven or Hell. I want to be with God and Jesus, who would not. This quiz is nice, but if it says your going to heaven or hell, man can not make that judgement only God. Rex M

    Rex M
  • Mostly, mostly, mostly, mostly...
    Am I going to Hell or not?
    This 'Mostly' nonsense is a waste of time.

    • I guess most of you will go to heaven and the rest will go to hell?

  • This didnt make no sense. It just said "sometimes". I'm just a girl wanting to know if I'll go to heaven or hell.

    • Jaz: If you have asked Jesus to come into your life and promise to live for Him, He will forgive you of your sins and you will go to Heaven. We are all sinners saved only by His grace and it is free for the asking. Sadly, many are to proud to ask and submit themselves to Christ. I pray that you ask Jesus to save you and forgive you of your sins. No one can do that for you but you. God Bless

    • Sometimes?? It sounds like your going to be a runner between heaven and earth. Hopefully not between heaven and hell??

  • I am saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! I have No doubt! He loves us. He loves me! He loves you! Meet Him Today! He will set you free!

  • Ii sez I am. I just hope there's somebody there I know...

    Stu Studly
  • I think if you need to ask, you may want to change some things.

  • Huh? Why do my results say yes yes yes yes yes?

  • All it said was yes so I guess I still don't know. Lol

  • all i want to know is if im going to god or the devil cant a girl wounder



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