Heart of Darkness Quiz

This quiz is based on the book Heart of Darkness by Joesph Conrad. It was partially conducted by Sparknotes and also students of South West Career and Technical Academy.

Did you understand the concept of Heart of Darkness ? If not, take the quiz and see how much you really know. If you think you know, take the quiz anyways !

Created by: april

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the setting at the start of the book?
  2. The company trades:
  3. Where does Kurtz die ?
  4. The company is from
  5. Kurtz ends his "report" on the natives by saying:
  6. What does Marlow need to fix his ship?
  7. Who caused the attack on the streamer?
  8. Who helped Marlow get a job?
  9. Who is the author of Heart of Darkness?
  10. How are the slaves treated?

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