he loves me or not

Love can beconfusing at times. Are you not sure if that special someone really likes you? Do you love him so much that ou have dreams about him? You'll have to see if you are worthy to be his girlfriend

Take this test to see the truth about you and him.See if your dream relationship will work out. Just 12 questions for your answer. It might be good. Or not. Have fun!

Created by: Angie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he talk to u a lot?
  2. Does he pass u flirty notes in class and smile when u respond?
  3. Do u guys share secrets with eachother?
  4. does he flirt with you and other girls?
  5. does he walk with you to classes or other places?
  6. Do u have his number?
  7. This is related to the previous question. do u guys text eachother alot? Do u start it or vice versa?
  8. Do u thimk he likes u?
  9. Is he cute according to ur standards?
  10. Have u ever touched him like bruhed against his hand, leant on his shoulder, or kiss,or hug?

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