Have you truely read WoF ?

This quiz will determine if you truly have read WoF.Depending on what you choose, you will either get no or yes.This is my first quiz so it is probably not done right.

The dragons in WoF have tribes. Each tribe is primarily ruled by the queen. There are ten tribes in total. Seven on Pyrria, and three on Pantala. Every tribe name ends with Wing, such as IceWings, or LeafWings.

Created by: MountainismyOC
  1. What is Moons full name?
  2. Who does Sunny love?
  3. Is Sundew straight?
  4. Who defeated Darkstalker?
  5. What is the name of Wrens dragon?Also this is my first test so I probably did this wrong sry!
  6. Who rules the tribe?
  7. How many tribes are there?
  8. Who is the author?
  9. In the fifteenth book, who is the IceWing King?
  10. Pick one 😊😊😊😊😊☺☺☺☺☺:):D

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