Have You Returned to Monke?

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Welcome, fellow monkes, to this wacky "political" compass quiz inspired by viral "return to monke" memes. Have you rejected hoomanity, embraced primal instinct and returned to monke?

Find out here by answering 24 simple true/false ethical dilemmas inspired by the real-life social behaviors of our closest living wild primate relatives.

Created by: MonkeBrreakFree of Primal Primitivism on Polcompball
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  1. I might eat a banana that another monke dropped.
  2. It might be ok if my sibling mates with my partner.
  3. I will only mate if I have a certificate of mating.
  4. I would rather hunt bush-babies than farm potatoes.
  5. I would never mate with a cousin under any circumstances.
  6. I might kill other monkes if they try to eat my kids.
  7. I might kill another monke if he is trying to kill me.
  8. If another monke hits me, I might hit back.
  9. It might be ok to mate with more than one monke.
  10. I would never steal a banana from another monke.
  11. I might get upset if my kids try to mate with other monkes.
  12. I might try to mate with another monke, even if they don't want to.
  13. I want to mate with monkes of the opposite sex.
  14. I would never try to mate with monkes of the same sex.
  15. I might kill other monkes if they try to eat me.
  16. I would never hunt other monkes for any reason.
  17. I would never hit another monke.
  18. I would be upset if my kids get in fights with other monkes.
  19. I'll never eat meat, even if I'm starving.
  20. If I can't find any mates in my troop, I might raid a rival troop to steal some.
  21. I would rather find bananas in the wild than buy them in a store.
  22. I cut, trim or wax some or all of my body hair.
  23. If the weather is warm, I would prefer to not wear any clothes.
  24. I use deodorant.

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