have you read all of the twilight saga

do you think that you have what it takes to take my quiz? This quiz is a test to show you how much you know about the twilight saga. From Edward to Jacob to Bella to Alice to jasper this will be a great quiz!

this quiz will make you an official twifan in my book. a twifan as you may know is person who know very much about twilight.this is for all my twilighters who love the twilight saga

Created by: amelia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Bella first kissed Edward where?
  2. what is Bella's daughter's name?
  3. where did the newborns fight at?
  4. who are the volturi?
  5. when did bella get turned?
  6. who is bella's dad? simple question
  7. who kills victoria/
  8. who kills laurent ?
  9. who hates bella for hurting jacob?
  10. who r Bella's best friends?
  11. jasper was turned in wat state?
  12. wat symbols were on bella's graduation bracelet?
  13. renesmee's middle name "carlie" is from wat names?
  14. what color was edwards eyes before his transformation?
  15. bella likes ______ presents?
  16. jacob kissed bella and bella did wat?
  17. who was the newborn armies leader?
  18. jacob turns into wat animal?
  19. jacob is a werewolf or a shape shifter: truely
  20. who does Bella's wedding?
  21. who is bella's maid of honor?
  22. alice has wat power?
  23. jasper has wat ability
  24. whos ur fav guy character?
  25. whos ur fav grl character?
  26. ok 1 more question: did u njoy dis quiz?

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