Have You Hit Bieber Fever?

There are many people that think they have BIEBER FEVER! Well with this quiz you'll know for sure and won't have to worry about if you've hit the fever or not. You'll know for sure!

When you hear JustinBiebers music do you cry?

Created by: NeVeRsHoUtSaM14

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many posters do you have of justin bieber?
  2. do you kiss justin biebers posters?
  3. do you always talk about justin bieber?
  4. when you hear justinbiebers music do you cry?
  5. would you kill yourself for justin bieber?
  6. would you hurt other people just to get to justin?
  7. if you met justin would you try to kiss him?
  8. would you try to jump on stage at one of justin's concerts?
  9. would you do anything to get justin biebers attention in a crowd full of people even if it made you look rediculous?
  10. if you met anyone that justin bieber may like, would you threaten that girl/ woman?

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