Have you ever wondered what your love condition is?

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Hello Guys! How are y'all! This quiz will help you determine what gender you are attracted to. Your results could be Gay, Lesbian, Non-binary, or normal. Take this quiz to find out some interesting stuff!

This is my first quiz on this catagory so I hope it's good enough. It is pretty accurate so far so I hope you enjoy it for truth and fun. Now you get started on this quiz. Do you expect it to wait on you? It ain't no personal waiter. Please comment. LOL!!! 💞

Created by: GinnyWeasley12
  1. Numero uno!Have you ever thought about having sex with the same gender as you?
  2. Numero Dos! Have you ever had sex with the same gender?
  3. Numero thres! Have you ever touched someone of the same gender romantically?
  4. Numero quatro!Would you ever consider kissing someone of the same gender?
  5. Numero cinco! Have you ever thought you weren't a boy or girl but another gender?
  6. Numero cuece! What would you do if you were put in a bed with someone of the same gender?
  7. Ok, enough with the Spanish. Have you ever had feelings for the same gender?
  8. How old are you?
  9. The next question is for girls. So boys can skip to the next one.
  10. What would you do if you were stuck with two girls that you trust in a little shed with a Queen size bed in the middle of the Grand Canyon?
  11. This one is for boys. What do you do if you are stuck in an airplane barely floating on the ocean with a large bed, locked door, and another boy?
  12. This next question will be for those non-binary people out there.
  13. What do you do if you are standing on a stage with no act, 2 friends, and a crowd with vegetables in hand?
  14. I hope you enjoyed this quiz! Please comment!

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Quiz topic: Have you ever wondered what my love condition is?
