Have got \ has got

Welcome to the quiz of have got \ has got. You will see 15 questions abot the following topics. Read it properly. Try to do your best. It's not hard.g

The questions will have multiple choices with only one correct answer. Please review about this lesson before doing it. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Created by: Anyavee
  1. _____ you got a calculator?
  2. I _______ got a big bag.
  3. It _______ got a fluffy tail.
  4. We _______ got a giant pool.
  5. _______ she got an apple?
  6. He _______ got a new car.
  7. Emma _______ got a beautiful dress.
  8. _______ we got enough food for 3 days?
  9. Tom and John _______ got new shoes.
  10. A: Have you got a plate?B: No, ______________
  11. A: Has he got a candle?B: Yes, ______________
  12. They _______ got a small pot.
  13. My mother _______ got a new cat.
  14. _______ your father got a new watch?
  15. A: Have they got English books?B: No,

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