has ur boyfriend/husband been cheating on yoy?

This quiz is truly for any one u can find out so much in life with one quiz this one it tells you all u need to no about urban husband or boyfriend so injoy

Do u have suspicious felling about ur husban or boyfriend? Well take this quiz it tell u all u need to no and is in the top 40 any day injoy while u can

Created by: shenice
  1. Has he been walking of late at night?
  2. Dose he let u on his phone
  3. Dose he shout at u
  4. Dose he sleep other places and u don't no about it
  5. Have u ever broke up because of this
  6. Do u love him
  7. R u rich
  8. Dose he love u
  9. Do u allow him to do any thing
  10. Was this helpful

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