Harsh punishment generator Quiz

This quiz it to see what kind of harsh punishment you deserve. It will be a series of questions determining how naughty you’ve been, and the answers will tell you what needs to be done to fix your behavior. Be ready.

This quiz is for adult quiz takers and IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CHILDREN DISCIPLINE. I request you have a punisher with you or someone to give you your punishment. Hope you don’t get too bad of a punishment ;)

Created by: Xx_Oatmeal
  1. Ok first question, are you usually naughty?
  2. What do you usually do when you get in trouble?
  3. What is the worst thing you’ve done recently?
  4. Are you usually respectful?
  5. If you were to be punished, how well would you take it?
  6. Now for the big question, why are you here in the first place?
  7. Are you nervous for the results?
  8. How do you usually get punished?
  9. choose one darling
  10. This is the end of the generator quiz. Your punishment may contain a lot of things to go through. Good luck.

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