Harry Potter: Your House!

Hi friend, and welcome! In this quiz, you will see what house you are sorted into, your friends, and your personality! I hope you get the result you want!

I'm sorry if you don't get the house you wanted, or the friends you wanted. I hope we share the same house, and i'm so sorry if you don't get the house that you were searching for!

Created by: Ravenclaw4life
  1. Okay, chose a guy best friend.
  2. Don't kill me for this question! *hides behind George* Pick a color.
  3. RP TIME!!! You are walking down the hall to your next class. Fred slips a Dungbomb in your pocket, and it goes off! Everyone is laughing. What do you do?
  4. Pick a boyfreind!
  5. Pick a girlfreind!
  6. What do you like to do on your free time?
  7. The Battle of Hogwarts has begun. What are you doing?
  8. Who would you take to the Yule Ball?
  9. Are you a "easy to get along with" person, or "hard to get along with" person?
  10. Almost done. what animal is your patronus?
  11. Last question, Was this boring? (no affect)

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Quiz topic: Harry Potter: my House!
