Harry Potter. Who are you?

There are many students in Hogwarts. But who are you? Find out in this short quiz- who are you, who are your friends?

Come on! What are YOU waiting for? Press that 'take quiz' button and find out now! Good luck! -Dash

Created by: Dash
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What house are you in? (Who knows maybe you'll get a different one)
  2. If all these people asked you to Hogsmeade, who would you go with? girls look at first name/boys look at second name
  3. If these classes existed, which would you take?
  4. Would you be in the Order of the Phoenix or a Death Eater
  5. Where is your favorite place in Hogwarts
  6. Pick a value
  7. I'm done (just click one
  8. Just pick one
  9. Pick
  10. Pick

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Quiz topic: Harry Potter. Who am I?