Harry Potter Trivia: Test Your Knowledge

How well do you know Harry Potter? With this quiz, you can find out! We require just a few minutes of you time, no driving to an interview or anything!

However, beware of the trick choices. For instance, the Toothbrush is not a Hallow. But those are what make this test fun, aren't they? So, if you think that's not going to be a problem for you, let's get started!

Created by: Jenell Theobald

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What shape is Harry Potter's scar?
  2. What form does Aberforth's Patronus take?
  3. Who is Hufflepuff's ghost?
  4. Why was Harry Potter able to see what Voldemort was seeing?
  5. What broom did Ron get as a reward for becoming a prefect?
  6. How many names did Dumbledore have?
  7. Which Hallow did the circle represent?
  8. What dragon did Harry Potter fight in the Goblet of Fire?
  9. How many times did the Adava Kedavra curse backfire?
  10. What did Dumbledore say he saw in the Mirror of Erised?
  11. Why did Voldemort's Killing Curse backfire the first time?
  12. Why did it backfire the second time?
  13. Why did it backfire the third time?
  14. Why did it backfire the fourth time?

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Quiz topic: Harry Potter Trivia: Test my Knowledge