Harry Potter Soulmate Quiz

Have you ever wondered who your Harry Potter soulmate is? Well now is your chance to find out! Please do not try to get a particular character as this I just for fun!

This is my first time creating a quiz so if there is anything you think I can change please leave a comment! If this quiz turns out popular then I might do a Harry Potter girls quiz

Created by: Emma Tonks-Weasley
  1. What is your Hogwarts House?
  2. What is your blood status?
  3. What is your favourite treat?
  4. Moon or Stars?
  5. Who is your favourite Professor?
  6. Where do you stay for Christmas?
  7. What place would you play in Quidditch?
  8. What is your favourite class?
  9. What job would you like?
  10. Who's death was the saddest?
  11. Favourite book/film
  12. Where would you spend your Saturday?

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