Harry Potter Sorting Hat

This is basically a quiz to see which Harry Potter house you are in. This quiz does the same thing as the sorting hat. If you haven't read Harry Potter, make sure to read it.

There are ten questions in this short quiz, and by the way, I am a beginner at making quizzes, so sorry if this isn't accurate. When I took this quiz myself I got Ravenclaw. Hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Clare Penguin
  1. Favorite animal?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. Do you play sports?
  4. Do you like school?
  5. Favorite type of music?
  6. Which house do you want to get>
  7. How old are you?
  8. Was this worth your time?
  9. Where do you live?
  10. Bye!

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