Harry Potter Quiz Hard

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This quiz will test your knowledge of The Harry Potter series! I hope you like it. I can’t believe this has to be 150 characters long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my first quiz, so please be nice if you are going to comment or rate. I am going to type gibberish because this has to be 150 characters long! Rf*fjgdrydtufhchcffcgdvgnbvc

Created by: Harry Potter Nerd
  1. What is Harry’s full name
  2. What is on display in the window of Ollivander’s when Harry first goes to Diagon Alley
  3. What is Hagrid allergic to
  4. What type of car does Mr. Weasley have
  5. What is Ron’s middle name
  6. What do Dudley’s parents call him
  7. Who does Hagrid borrow a motorcycle from
  8. What color are Buckbeak’s eyes
  9. What is the name of Voldemort’s grandpa
  10. What is the name of Snape’s dad

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