Harry Potter Quiz by Farhan

You are awesome you cool no one can drag you down and and I'm not joking really no jokes allowed thanks my bro for doing my quiz you are amazing really

You are a genius and you have the brain power to qualify for the prestigious title you could be Gryffindor Slytherin Ravenclaw or a Hupplepuff yes really can be anyone

Created by: Farhan Gandhi
  1. Who is real life Harry Potter?
  2. Who was Lokhdart in Chamber of Secrets?
  3. Who is the Darkest Wizard of all times?
  4. Who was Harry's father?
  5. What was Harry's owl's name?
  6. Which is the luck potion?
  7. Who does Hermione Granger marry?
  8. Who killed Voldemort?
  9. Who is the Half Blood Prince?
  10. Which is the 4th Harry Potter book?

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