Harry Potter Quiz

It's a Harry potter quiz. How well do you know the books? We're going to find out.

Ready to take the quiz? You will need to recall many Harry Potter facts. Are you up to the challenge, well go ahead and see how you'll do.

Created by: polly
  1. In the fifth book where did Hagrid go?
  2. Who was putting niflers though Umbridges window in the fifth book?
  3. Snape was on ______ side.
  4. What are the three deathly hallow?
  5. Who does Harry rescue from the chamber of secrets?
  6. What was buckbeak?
  7. Who does Harry get his egg, in the fourth book?
  8. How was Sirius black?
  9. What cursed katie bell in the sixth book?
  10. What did Harry find in gringots, that he wanted, in the seventh book?

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