Harry Potter Quiz

This quiz will see how much you know about Harry Potter! You may fail but don't cry because you can always try again and from those mistakes you can learn!

If you pass great job! If you pass you are basically a Harry Potter expert, but not a full expert because there are only ten questions on this quiz, so you won't know everything!

Created by: Aanya
  1. What is Voldemort's real name?
  2. Who did Harry get the scar from?
  3. What's the name of the three headed dog
  4. Which movie does Sirius Black die in?
  5. What is the Horcrux from the second movie?
  6. Why does Harry Potter need to kill the Horcrux's?
  7. Who does Harry Potter marry?
  8. Who won in Harry's first Quidditch?
  9. Who are Harry's parents?
  10. Which Horcrux is in Hogwarts

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