harry potter quiz

Every one likes harry potter and not twilight I hope you do good on this quiz. If you like this quiz remember to go to my other quiz how much do you know about cats

do know about harry potter. Remember if wonder where I got my name birthday cat listen to theres a cat licking your birthday cake by parry gripp. THANKS FOR PLAYING

Created by: birthday cat
  1. who are harry's gfs
  2. in harry potter and the prisoner of askaban what came in on the Hogwarts express
  3. you know who is
  4. what is the spell that makes demeters go away
  5. whos puts the troll in the duegenus
  6. what can sirus turn into
  7. which one is harrys son
  8. who are the two from Hogwarts who go to the triwizard tormanet
  10. did u like the quiz

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