Harry potter love story 1!

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Well you read the title you know what it is about your character is named Alexis Ember Wood yup your the younger sister of Oliver Wood after your mother had him with your step father she hade you with some one else you don`t know any more than that but you where suppose to live with him in America but he well was never there and you ended up living on the streets but for some reason now your people finely figured out that you where living on the streets when you used magic to well best not to talk about that.

Now you are in Briton with the three people you hate the most your half brother your mother and your step dad you where told that you would get a pet tarantula but that never happed you where getting on the train you where told to sit with Oliver but you wanted to get as far away from him as possible you hated him at first when you meet him he tried to be nice but after you bit him he stopped.

Created by: Flamingo7
  1. So you just got on the train and you got in the compartment that was open or so you thought was open right after you sit down to red headed twins poked there head`s in the door and smiled one was on the left and the other on the right the one on the left was the first to speak "Well look at that Fred we step out for a second to get a few sweets and someone steps try`s to take are compartment." you wanted to say something but right after the left one stopped talking the right one started "Yea and I don`t think I ever seen this one." you again wanted to say something but then the left one stared "Can`t be a third year she`s to big but I never saw her ether." at this point you where getting mad because now the right ne was talking and then bake to the left then to the right and they where talking as if you couldn`t here them or something it went on like this till they looked at you and finely said in unison "What year are you in?" "3rd." you stated it was all you could say before they both yelled "A-HA" you where in complete confusion and your showed it to the left one was first to speak "That is an American accent you must be Oliver`s little sister..." his twin on the right then cut…
  2. You got to of the train and on to a carriage you where where told to go to in your letter as soon as you sat down in hoped to annoying faces you yelled at them to leave but as on the train the did not do as you said but this time they hade to leave a voice from behind you spoke "she is right me and her brother must be the only ones to ride up in this carriage by order of..." it was a boy red head but with curly hair not strait like the twins "Why is that that" the twins said cutting the other boy of how was angry casing him to snap "I am a perfect how`s job is to take her to be sorted in privet and her brother is the only other one that is suppose to be there so you must go."
  3. Behind him stood your hated half brother how for some reason was smiling from ear to ear and only stopped to talk which reveled why he was smiling in just a few words "Percy" he said to the angry perfect " They can take my place." that was why he was smiling he didn`t have to go Fred and George sat by you smiling you protested once more to there friendship but when you got to Hogwarts the howl walk to Miss. Mconigoll`s office ones there she asked where Oliver was and what the twins where there so they explained as Percy protested against it but in the end she plopped the hat on you with no one in the room but the professor and you.
  4. After the hat was on your head you heard a small voice in your head it was the hat! "Well look at this... look at this" the hat said in an odd way then went on " I think the last time I ever had a mind like this... was my very first sorting yes that is right... well with this I know you would never be a Ravineclawe you are not in the lest bit smart... Ahh you got defensive you don`t belong in Hufflpuff you are very loyal... well at lest you where to you where double crossed of cores you need to put behind your lack of trust first but of cores you would make... no there is a small problem you almost... well I know now your a GRIFFINDORE" the last word was out lode.
  5. As soon as the hat yelled Griffindore the twins came running in yelling in unison " YES WE ARE IN THE SAME HOSE!!!" they grabbed you by both arms and drug you down to the grate hall with a angry Percy yelling at them as you fought against there grip still fighting against them they finely let go of you as they put you in a set right in between them which you did not like in the least bit.
  6. Well you sat across from Hermone how smiled at you one the left side of her was a boy with jet black hair and glasses on her other side was a red headed boy with blue eye`s Hermone told you how the boy with red hair was Ron and that he was the younger brother of the twins and when she told you the boy with black hair was Harry Potter you where taken back then he showed you his scare you simply said "cool" and went back to eating when every one went to common room at first the twins started to walk with you even thow you said go away but thanks to Ron they left but he walked with you everyone was stopped at the top of the steps before you could go up Ron grabbed your arm and pulled you of to the side he look in to your eyes you looked back in to his but he said nothing you waited for him to say something but he didn`t then his eyes went from you to the floor and he walked away you went to the common room and went up to your bed which was right next to Hermone and she hade to know more about you so she started asking lots of things which you did not like.
  7. Well it was the middle of the night every one was asleep so you creep out in to the common room and sat by the fire just watching it burn when you heard some one say "Hi"
  8. You turned around it was Harry he smiled at you but you simply turned back to the fire to watch the flames dance some more "So what are you doing up this late." he ask as he sat next to you "None of your business." you snarled you didn`t want to deal with anyone but when you tried to leave he grabbed your arm and sat you back down you yanked you arm back then he begun asking questions it started out you where on the defensive after a while you did something you haven`t done before a very long time you let your guard down it was nice but when you decided to go to bed for some reason Harry insisted on walking you to the dorm you thought it was wired but you let him when you got there you turned around to say good night but you just starred and so did he just like with Ron but unlike Ron Harry didn`t just walk away he gave you a hug at first you didn`t know what to do the only person how ever done this was your mother and you pushed her away Harry must of noticed how uncomfortable you where but he didn`t let go he just whispered in to your ear "It`s ok just hug back." so you did it was nice you pulled apart and said good night when you went to bed you hade Hermone`s words ringing in…
  9. You just woke up when a pillow was flung at your head will you where being yelled at "GET UP ALEX WHERE GOING TO BE LATE!" it was Hermone you got dressed as she told you about all the classes and how we hade the same classes except for a few that she was in she to ask why you where up so late for a minuet you thought of telling her but you decided to tell her you have trouble sleeping she didn`t buy it but let it lie for now.
  10. So that`s the test I hope you like it I only put the boys that you meet so far in but I will add more if you have things like you want more scenes with someone please comment and rate if you can I hope you you read part 2 coming out on the second of march :)

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