harry potter love stories

This is a quiz about love stories and kisses in Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardly. There are so many loves in harry potter. Also there are dislikes in there like Harry and Draco

You can try this and see your knowledge about Harry Potter You can discover harry potter books and get knowledge also . Harry potter is an attractive novel series

Created by: Upekshi
  1. Who loves Hermione?
  2. Who kissed Ron Weasly calling Won Won?
  3. Where was Harry and Ginny's first kiss?
  4. Who love Lilly Evans before James Potter?
  5. How many girlfriends Harry Potter had?
  6. Who was Ginny Wesley's first boyfriend?
  7. Who married George Weasley?
  8. What Was the birthday present Ginny gave Harry in Order Of The Phoenix?
  9. Who was the boyfriend of Ginny before Harry?
  10. Who dislike Mycle corner and Ginny's love?

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