Harry Potter House sorting

A fun Hogwarts House quiz, the results may not be accurate though. So sorry if it's not what you wanted but, you can always do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can get the following houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Yay!! Have Fun!!!!!! -sorry Have to have 150 words or/and symbols.

Created by: Nola Williams
  1. Who is your favorite?
  2. You come across a Mountain Troll in Hogwarts You:
  3. You enter a magical forest, you see:
  4. What Hogwarts subject are you looking forward to?
  5. What magical creature do you want to study? (More next question)
  6. What magical creature do you want to study? Pt.2
  7. Would you rather have this teacher as your house teacher:
  8. Who do you want to be your house ghost?
  9. What is your favorite:
  10. Left or right
  11. up or down
  12. Hello or goodbye

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