Harry Potter House Quiz (Just for fun, be chill)

I got bored and I think a lot of the house quizzes on here are taken so seriously. This Harry Potter house quiz is as accurate as I could make it! I think I did well :)

Hi I'm Nico and I made this cause I though it was fun! if you don't like the results I'm sorry :)Also don't be homophobic. like, ever. It's not cool, also please be nice in the comments

Created by: funkytheatrekid
  1. How do you spend the majority of your free time?
  2. How big is your friend group?
  3. Are you a creative person?
  4. Do you like plants?
  5. What is one of your favorite animals? (From this list)
  6. Do you have social media? (Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter etc.)
  7. What would your D&D alignment be?
  8. Do you like anyone?
  9. What house do you think you are? (no effects)
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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