harry potter hard

there are many people in the world but few are worthy of the harry potter test that ive put tugether so try hard and dont give up. you can do it its actualy easy and there is lots of spelling mistakes so im sorry.

are you good with harry potter? if so this is completely for you its fun and realy tests your skills i didnt make it to hard actualy its realy easy so thets see how you do.

Created by: Jude sage
When Will I Die Test
  1. who killed dumbledor
  2. what is rons rats name
  3. who is harrys school rivals
  4. true or false harry was the first one into the chamber of secrets
  5. who used the curse that sent nevelles parents insane
  6. what house other than griffandor could harry have done good in
  7. who was the first student to get a howeler
  8. what house was draco in
  9. which house in the first movie won the house cup
  10. how does harry visit that takes him to hogworts through a picture
  11. what clothing item does harry sneak to dolby in tom riddles diery to make him a free elf
  12. what did snape tell harry to do before he died
  13. why did snape stop being a death eater
  14. what was hagrid driving when he dropped harry of with muggles
  15. true or false harry ends up dying
  16. who is the last owner of the elder wand
  17. what character did harry get with his chocolate frog in movie 1
  18. what class does herminie storm out of
  19. what is the name of the three headed dog that is protecting the folosefers stone
  20. what item does dumbledor give harry that belonged to harrys dad

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