Harry Potter boyfriend quiz

this quiz is for the people who wonder, wow, if i went to hogwarts who would i date. witch it probably not that many. anyway the results are 1 of 4. Ron, Harry, Draco, Cedric. hope you enjoy!

i don't know what to put here they won't let me publish the quiz if i don't put anything so... rtdxyttt rfrhghrrhdgdhhdhrjdhjdjsjdhdjjdfhsjdhsjdhjdhsjdh

Created by: unlucky charms
  1. okay, first question. what is your hogwarts house?
  2. what is you favorite color? (out of these)
  3. who is your favorite teacher? (out of these)
  4. what pet would you bring to Hogwarts?
  5. What is your opinion on bullies?
  6. what would you get detention for?
  7. How do you spend your free time?
  8. Do you like muggles
  9. Are you rich?
  10. last question. Did you like the quiz? (won't affect your result)

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