Harry Potter and the philosopher's/sorcerer's stone

Harry Potter and the philosopher's/sorcerer's stone is the first book in a seven book series. Experts can fire answers back in seconds and see the wizarding point of view.

Are you a Harry Potter expert? Do you qualify for the title? You can only wonder. But thanks to this fantastic quiz,in just 5-10 minutes you can find out.

Created by: Boolis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old was Harry when his parents died
  2. What did Hagrid cast on Dudley when he ate Harry's birthday cake
  3. How old was Harry when he found out he was a wizard
  4. Who is Dumbledore?
  5. How did Ron,Hermione and Harry meet?
  6. What is the name of Harry's aunt and uncle
  7. What guards the trapdoor?
  8. What blood is Harry?
  9. What blood is Ron
  10. What blood is Hermione?

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