Harry Potter and the Order of the Fans

The quiz will test your Harry Potter knowledge and your knowledge of knowing. Harry Potter is a great movie the end. Just kidding Harry Potter is a wizard of many mysteries that are revealed in every movie and the quiz will test you remembering those details.

Harry Potter is a wizard. This quiz will test your knowledge of the magical world and your knowledge of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermione, Ron, Hagrid and so much more.

Created by: The dreamers desease
  1. Harry had married a girl in the few minutes of the movies, who was she and where did we see them together with their friends and children?
  2. Who killed Black, Harry’s godfather, in Harry and the Order of the Phoenix?
  3. Who was the other champion in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and did he or she survive?
  4. When did Harry Potter awake after being shot with avada kadavra?
  5. How did the Elder Wand disappear?
  6. Did Harry marry anybody if so what was her name?
  7. How did Harry accomplish in making Liquid Luck?
  8. Who welcomed Harry into the Burrow?
  9. Who was head of Gryffindor house?
  10. In the end what did Harry tell his son?

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