harry or draco?pt.10 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz harry or draco?pt.10.
ok ima bored so random question!!!!!! do you know who ICP is? or what it stand for? cuz those guys crack me UP!!!!!!!!! but dont listen to them if u cant listen to curses xP not those!!!!! like just bah u know what i mean! i hope. . . . . . . OBLIVIATE!!!!! ok there we go :)
zomgirl1 -
dragon1 -
hehe yeah!
dragon1 -
YESSSSS ok how about Cedric BE4 he dies :) we dont want Voldemort to be to hastey to get back to killing the worthless.... that's OUR job :D
zomgirl1 -
YEAH!i hate him!i don't go to youtube and i can't.why you don't come to forums?
dragon1 -
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm... ................... how about............ the actually Harry Potter? we'll save Voldemort A LOT of time by doing that!!!!! oh and random question: u a Death Eater? cuz i am; AND no not just cuz Draco's a death eater lol NOW your turn :D
zomgirl1 -
@dragon YES!!!!!!!!!! this is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!! :D then we should kill Pansy again
zomgirl1 -
idk i just dont enjoy them really! i'm on youtube most of the time! lol ya now it's your turn!!!!!!! i've got one though for my turn unless u think of it first!
zomgirl1 -
@dragon :D then after Justin Bieber wanna kill Pansy agian? (((cuz i do >:D))) then after THAT we kill Rabecca Black AND THEN........we go get lunch :) then we kill Pansy again!!!!!!!! how does that sound?
zomgirl1 -
dragon1 -
i think it'll be cool if we kill him!xD
dragon1 -
kk i hope u r still on :)
zomgirl1 -
sorry zom.yesterday forgot to come here!:D
dragon1 -
sorry zom!i wasn't on yesterday.let me think....what about granger!?
dragon1 -
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
zomgirl1 -
yeah. . . . . . so which trap do you want for Potter?
zomgirl1 -
dragon1 -
ok. . . . . how do i do that?
zomgirl1 -
awesome!!!!the we can kill....i don't have any other idea...how about...Mmmmm...no, you pick!
dragon1 -
@dragon :D LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!! :D
zomgirl1 -
@dragon Yeah, I tend to be XD Nah, I'm kidding :P
yeah. . . . . and its not a who its a what!!!!!!!!!! 2 words and i REALLY hope u know what i mean on this. Jisaw's traps.
zomgirl1 -
dragon1 -
today's the only day that i can be on while i'm on the trip!so hi again!:D
dragon1 -
ok where to exactally?