Hardest Harry Potter quiz ever

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Do you think you have what it takes to complete this quiz? Take this quiz to find out how much of a Potterhead you are. You will struggle to find a harder quiz than this!

I bet only Hermione can since this quiz.WARNING: not all questions are on the story. Some are on the length of books and how the books were written. Enjoy! 😉

Created by: PotterHead394
  1. How many horcruxes were there?
  2. How many pages are in all the Harry Potter books?
  3. What mythological creator is fang based on?
  4. Which of these deathly hallows was collected first?
  5. Which of these is the son of Draco?
  6. Who is the first Hogwarts professor we meet?
  7. Where does Uncle Vernon work?
  8. What is Tom Marvello Riddle an anagram of?
  9. Who are Neville’s parents?
  10. What is Buckbeak?
  11. Which creatures blood extends your life?
  12. Who is Hagrid’s half-brother?
  13. Which of these never taught defence against the dark arts?
  14. What does Hagrid say to Harry when he first meets him?
  15. Who is Voldemort’s father?
  16. How many copies did Harry Potter sell on its first day
  17. When did J.K. Rowling first think about Harry Potter?
  18. Where did J.K. Rowling come up with Harry Potter?
  19. Who publishes Harry Potter?
  20. Who originally played Albus Dumbledore?

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