HARD Wings of Fire Quiz

Are you a TRUE Wings of Fire fan? Take this hard quiz to find out! Unless you know me, the last question will be VERY HARD for you to answer, unless you make a lucky guess.

And PLEASE do NOT make any critical comments on this quiz. I also kindly ask that you do NOT start any debates in the comments of this quiz. Only positive or neutral comments, PLEASE.

Created by: Sunnyflight4Ever
  1. Which is the FIRST Wings of Fire character that Tui T. Sutherland ever came up with?
  2. What was the first character line of The Lost Heir: Chapter 18?
  3. How did Glory think about Queen Coral?
  4. True or False: Starflight is romantically interested in Fatespeaker.
  5. Which of these characters is NOT a member of the Outclaws?
  6. What is the name of Flame's mother?
  7. Which of these characters is a forgotten villain?
  8. What was Tui going to make Cricket originally?
  9. What is the name of Exquisite's sloth that Winter tried to eat?
  10. Which of these characters is NOT an actual Wings of Fire character?
  11. Who is the NightWing in the Copper Winglet?
  12. What does it mean when a NightWing dragonet hatches under three full moons?
  13. Of which dragon's POV was the prologue of The Poison Jungle?
  14. Who's possible future daughter is Firefly?
  15. True or False: Liana was in Winter Turning.
  16. Who was going to come back to life as a zombie originally?
  17. Who ended up becoming Winter's new pet scavenger?
  18. Which of these creatures did Clay NOT talk about eating in the books?
  19. What is the name of Chameleon's SeaWing form?
  20. Which of these is NOT a dragonet of Queen Scarlet?
  21. Who is the biggest dragon in the series?
  22. What do fans make Ripnami memes with?
  23. Who has a crush on Qibli in Moon Rising?
  24. Who are all the known members of the Talons of Power?
  25. Who did Sunny think might be her father before she found out it was Stonemover?
  26. What did Anemone refer to Turtle as in Darkness of Dragons?
  27. What are the names of the guards that Tsunami met in The Lost Heir?
  28. What did Sundew say she had a metaphorical one of at the beginning of the Hive Queen that she actually DID have at the end of the book?
  29. Who are the love interests of the Dragonets of Destiny?
  30. Which of these unpopular Wings of Fire ships do I, the creator of this quiz, ship?

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