Only a few people can truly say they are a true knowledge collector for the elder scrolls IV Oblivion. People boast a fake knowledge on it, many are clueless.

Are YOU a true Oblivion Master? Do you have what it takes? This quiz will test your knowledge to the max! Try it now, your brain will be puzzled unless you are a master!

Created by: LOLZ
  1. Who is Captain of the Blades in the tutorial?
  2. The God called Talos was who in life?
  3. Telandril of the Dark Brotherhood tells you that Gorgron had a pet that he killed, how did he kill it?
  4. "The Five Tenets of the Dark Brotherhood all end in "to do so is to invoke the_____________""
  5. Which Daedra's sphere is Knowledge?
  6. Mephala is known as the....
  7. What is the name of Clavicus Vile's pet dog?
  8. Mannimarco's staff of worms had the ability to what?
  9. Francois Motierre was poisoned with what poison?
  10. The statue of the night mother is commonly know as what?

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