
Hi I have spent my time doing this quiz because I have never done it before amd I wanted to see what it was like. I have spent alot of time on it and I hope you like it.=)

Hi there are six possible outcomes to this quiz they are axolotl,cat,dog,bird and snake to get the one you want try to answer the questions like you are the animal you want to be.=)

Created by: c
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see someone hurt what do you do?
  2. You see some money on the floor what do you do?
  3. Whats your favorite colour?
  4. Whats your favorite emotion?
  5. Where would you most like to live?
  6. A UFO obducts you and aliens are everywhere what do you do?
  7. What is your favorite letter?
  8. Do you like this quiz?

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